There's a lot of talk about regeneration and gentrification in most cities these days. The positives and negatives of it. From better businesses and housing to affordability issues. Regardless where one stands gentrification is a fact. Progress. More. New. Old.
I believe better neighbourhoods benefit society in general, but affordability is a really important issue that should be addressed. Stockholm, notoriously expensive is no exception. The area between Telefonplan and Midsommarkransen is being developed. A lot. And fast. New buildings popping up like it's normal. Overall the area is looking better, like a proper neighbourhood rather than a semi industrial wasteland it once was. Amidst all these new buildings I came across a Café Hitom, a little gem of a place. Located in a beautifully sturdy brick building, this cafe is ran by Stockholm City as a project for education and development of mentally disabled people, where they learn a trade, interact with customers and bake and cook all the amazing food there. I love this cafe. It represents a more humane way of development.
Regeneration is a fact. Great projects like these are a choice.