
Cykelcafe Le Mond

Wow. I haven't written on this blog for such a long time. Three months. It's embarrassing. I've been very busy with school and freelance work. And my portfolio, which is up and running. So now I can relax a bit and share some nice places I've been visiting. And abusing their wifi, while coding. 
One of these places I've been going often now is a new cafe called Cykelcafe Le Mond. Really nice new place that opened a couple of months ago, with a bike theme (a bike repair shop in it would be nice, tho) and beautifully designed interior, this place is ideal for long hours chilling, working a bit or admiring some old bikes hanging from the windows. This street could really use more cafes like Le Mond. 
Now, gotta keep working on some homework. Next post won't take 3 months. That's a (late) new year resolution.