



What do most swedish families do during the weekends? Apparently they go to IKEA. And not just for cheap furniture.
Lunch and afternoon coffee seem to be very popular among thousands of young families around here. It's hard to deny that the promise of affordable furniture and cheap food is tempting. And because I'm easily temptable (is that even a word?) and needed a couple of stools, I ended up at the IKEA in Barkaby, just outside Stockholm. It was so crowded! Kids running around, people buying just about anything imaginable and hundreds having coffee at their cafe.
Now, i've been to other Ikeas, including the ones in Burbank, New Jersey and London, but hey, this is the original experience.
This omnipresent mega store is as Swedish as meatballs, blondes and long winters. So when in Sweden do as the Swedes do: go to IKEA, buy a couple of things, have some good coffee and cake, go home with a blonde, have meatballs and enjoy the long winters..